vRealize Orchestrator

Process a text file from a Resource Element through an Array

This example workflow shows how you can use a ResourceElement containing a list of virtual machine names and execute a workflow for each of the VMs in the list. The workflows and actions are available as a package here: com.vmwarebits.vmlistExample.zip.

To use the workflow yoi create a ResourceElement and import a text file that contains the virtual machine names, such as in the next image.

vRealize Orchestrator workflow to find a workflow by it's ID

When you have the ID of a workflow then how do you find out what the name of the workflow is and where it's located. To simplify this search I have created this workflow.

You can download the workflow here.

This is the code of the scripting element that is used for the search:

Using the Switch element in vRealize Orchestrator

vRealize Orchestrator (v6) contains a switch element that can be used to evaluate a series of values. In scripting and programming languages the switch construct is also named Case or Do Case.

For example if we want to check the status of a VM and there are three possible values then we would have to use three if statements or three decision elements to check what the status is.

if status = poweredOn 
if status = poweredOff 
if status = suspended 

vRealize Orchestrator workflow with approvals and timeout

This workflow demonstrates an approval process whre two approvers will have the opportunity to approve or deny a request and when both approvers don't respond within the time limit then the workflow will continue as if it was approved. So this will actively give the two approvers a time window to deny a request after which it is automatically approved. Is designed to use n AD group for approver 1 and another AD group for approver 2.

Various Orchestrator examples

This package contains several examples that I use in Orchestrator training.

download the package here (version February 2020) 

Import the package from the Packages-tab in the Orchestrator client.

What's in the package?

There are several workflows in this package that demonstrate the functionality of vRealize Orchestrator. Their purpose is to educate, comments are always welcome.

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