Starting with NSX-T version 3.1 it's a feature to have NSX-T create it's own service account when registering a vCenter Server as a Compute Manager. In the image below you can see the option enabled in the vCenter connection.
This course covers the new features introduced in NSX-T 3.1.1. The course is free but registration is required. Follow this link to access the course.
The distributed firewall enforces firewall rules on each vNic of each VM. To find which rules are effectively enforced on a VM the following commands can be used on the transport node (hypervisor) where the virtual machine is running.
For ESXi
To access the list of firewall rules we first need to find the name of the dvfilter used on the VM's network adapter. Use the following command to access the full list:
Configure CLI timeout
The NSX-T Manager appliance shell is configured with a default timeout of 600 seconds . This timeout can be changed from the NSX Manager Command Line Interface. Access the NSX Manager CLI through the console or through SSH. With the following command you can retrieve the current setting of the CLI timeout:
get cli-timeout
To configure the timeout use the following command:
set cli-timeout <seconds>
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