VMware Explore Session Video's available for free
The session recordings for VMware Explore 2024 are available for free for everyone to watch.
The session recordings for VMware Explore 2024 are available for free for everyone to watch.
This course covers the new features introduced in NSX-T 3.1.1. The course is free but registration is required. Follow this link to access the course.
A free self-paced eLearning training for vSAN is available from VMware: vSAN Fundamentals.
The VMware vSAN Fundamentals course builds skills in planning and deploying vSAN, including related day one configuration tasks. The course will be delivered as self-paced eLearning.
VMware has announced a free on-line Exam Prep course for the VCAP-NV certification. If you have experience with VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere and would like to prepare to take the practical VCAP Deployment exam then this free on-line course is a good starting point.
Are you planning to take one of the four available VMware Certified Advanced Professional Deployment Exams? Then I suggest that you access the following web page and familiarize yourself with how the exam interface works. This prevents you from losing precious time during the exam. Dave Davis has done a very good job demonstrating how the interface works.
The VMware Learning Zone is a new subscription-based service that gives you a full year of unlimited, 24/7 access to official VMware video-based training.
Top VMware experts and instructors discuss solutions, provide tips and give advice on a variety of advanced topics. (link)
VMware has released a free on-line training module that walks you though what Log Insight is and how you can configure it.
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