This example workflow shows how you can use a ResourceElement containing a list of virtual machine names and execute a workflow for each of the VMs in the list. The workflows and actions are available as a package here:
To use the workflow yoi create a ResourceElement and import a text file that contains the virtual machine names, such as in the next image.
Next you create a workflow that uses the ResourceElement and a Javascript Element that parses through the list and stores the VM names in an array.
Here is the contents of the Javascript Element:
//get the content from the ResourceElement as a Mime attachment type contentMime = vmlist.getContentAsMimeAttachment(); //get the contents from the Mime attachment contentText = contentMime.content //split the contents (text file) in lines and store in an array vmarray = contentText.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); vmarray.sort();
The example workflow executes this workflow to toggle the power state of a VM. But this can of course be changed to any other workflow you like.