
vCenter 6.5 Appliance Backup and Restore

With the release of vSphere 6.5 VMware has introduced a new method for creating a backup of the vCenter Appliance. This method is available from the vCenter Appliance web management interface on port 5480 (https://applianceaddress:5480). In this article I will explain how to create a backup and what the restore procedure is.

vCenter Appliance backup

Schedule vCenter 6.5 appliance backups with vRealize Orchestrator

With the release of vSphere 6.5 VMware has introduced a new method for creating a backup of the vCenter Appliance. This method is available from the vCenter Appliance web management interface on port 5480 (https://applianceaddress:5480).

Tip: Starting with vSphere 6.7 scheduling functionality has been added as a native feature in the appliance, eliminating the need for this workflow. It still applies to vSphere 6.5.

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