Set NSX-T web UI and CLI timeout

Configure CLI timeout

The NSX-T Manager appliance shell is configured with a default timeout of 600 seconds . This timeout can be changed from the NSX Manager Command Line Interface. Access the NSX Manager CLI through the console or through SSH. With the following command you can retrieve the current setting of the CLI timeout:

get cli-timeout

To configure the timeout use the following command:

set cli-timeout <seconds>

Setting a timeout for User Interaction in vRealize Orchestrator

When using a User Interaction element in your workflow you might want to have it timeout after a certain amount of time. A user interaction accepts an input parameter of the Date-type that contains the date and time when the user interaction should timeout if it is not answered.
In the image below you see a workflow that contains a Scriptable task used to create the date_time variable to be used in the user interaction.
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