Identifying vSAN Unassociated objects on your vSAN Datastore

In vSAN virtual machines in your inventory have an association with the objects on the vSAN datastore. If you would remove a virtual machine from the inventory but not from disk then the objects on disk will still consume disk space but you will not able to see the direct link with the virtual machine that was previously in your inventory. Such objects on your vSAN datastore are known as unassociated objects.

Identifying the vSAN Performance Stats DB object and review it's physical storage

The performance statistics in vSAN are stored in a database object on the vSAN Datastore in a vSAN enabled cluster. Information about the object can be found in the vSphere Client under the Services tab of the vSAN Cluster Configuration. The image below shows the objects's status and that it's protected under the vSAN Default Storage Policy. 

Set timeout to 0 for vSphere Client with a script

The vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client in the vCenter Appliance both have a timeout of 120 minutes. NSX-T has a timeout of 30 minutes. When I am teaching VMware classes the client always has just timed out when I want to demonstrate something to my students and I then have to re-login. So therefor I always configure the timeout to 0 (no timeout) at the start of each class. It is documented here how to do that:

List effective firewall rules for VMs with NSX-T

The distributed firewall enforces firewall rules on each vNic of each VM. To find which rules are effectively enforced on a VM the following commands can be used on the transport node (hypervisor) where the virtual machine is running.

For ESXi

To access the list of firewall rules we first need to find the name of the dvfilter used on the VM's network adapter. Use the following command to access the full list:



Set NSX-T web UI and CLI timeout

Configure CLI timeout

The NSX-T Manager appliance shell is configured with a default timeout of 600 seconds . This timeout can be changed from the NSX Manager Command Line Interface. Access the NSX Manager CLI through the console or through SSH. With the following command you can retrieve the current setting of the CLI timeout:

get cli-timeout

To configure the timeout use the following command:

set cli-timeout <seconds>

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