Free eLearning Horizon View V6 and Mirage V5 What's New
VMware Education has made available an on-line self paced eLearning module that will walk you through what's new in Horizon View v6 and Mirage v5. Enjoy!
VMware Education has made available an on-line self paced eLearning module that will walk you through what's new in Horizon View v6 and Mirage v5. Enjoy!
In the vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client you can find how many days your host has been running. But what happened before that period? How often did your host boot in the past? This information is stored in the file /var/log/vmksummary.log on your ESXi-host. The file is updated hourly with information how long your host has been up and how many virtual machines are running at that moment.
There are several ways to test if HA is working. You can unplug the power of your server or perform a reset of the machine and a fail over will take place. In training classes and for demo's it's nicer if you can actually have the server to crash and show a Purple Screen of Death (PSOD).
This is the command to execute:
vsish -e set /reliability/crashMe/Panic 1
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