The currency for a vRealize Automation (vCAC) deployment defaults to US Dollar. This can be changed by modifying the Currency Region Name setting. This setting can be found in the Infrastructure tab under Administration - Global Properties.
This package contains several examples that I use in Orchestrator training.
download the package here (version February 2020)
Import the package from the Packages-tab in the Orchestrator client.
There are several workflows in this package that demonstrate the functionality of vRealize Orchestrator. Their purpose is to educate, comments are always welcome.
These two workflows allow the user to create a snapshot of all virtual machines in a folder and to remove all snapshots of all virtual machines in a folder.
In this article I explain how to execute a vRealize Orchestrator workflow by invoking a REST method from a REST client.
Sources used for this article are How to use the REST API to Start a Workflow from and the Orchestrator REST API documentation that you can find on your own Orchestrator server at this url: https://yourvcoserverFQDN:8281/vco/api/docs/index.html
The VMware Learning Zone is a new subscription-based service that gives you a full year of unlimited, 24/7 access to official VMware video-based training.
Top VMware experts and instructors discuss solutions, provide tips and give advice on a variety of advanced topics. (link)
This problem might occur with your vCenter Server Appliance. But it could also happen with other Linux-servers. It might happen when you move the virtual machine, clone it, restore it, recover it from replication or perform any other action where the MAC Address of the virtual machine changes. This is what you would see on the console of the virtual appliance:
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