Running VMware vSphere 6 vCenter Appliance on Ravello Systems

Running the VMware vSphere 6 vCenter Appliance on the Ravello Systems cloud is not supported in its native format. If you have created a local working copy of the appliance then you can import it into the Ravello Systems cloud environment. When you then want to Edit and Verify the imported virtual machine an error message will be generated that Ravello Systems only supports 7 virtual disks but the appliance was created by VMware with 11 virtual disks.

In this image you can see disks 10 and 11 of the imported appliance:

OVA/OVF Import tips for Ravello Systems

Bottom line of this article: use .OVF format for your VMs

When importing OVA's from my local system to Ravello Systems I ran into an error. Which was strange because I had imported similar machines just a few days before. The error message was the following: 

Referenced disk/s do not exist:

vRealize Automation 7 External Approval Policy with vRealize Orchestrator Workflow

With vRealize Automation 7 an Approval Policy can be linked to an event subscription that in turn can trigger a vRealize Orchestator workflow to perform an external approval process. In this article I describe how to setup the Workflow, the Approval Policy and the Event Subscription.

Workflow as downloadable package

Workflow to use for vRO Cluster Demonstrations

This simple workflow can be used to demonstrate the failover behavior in case of a vRealize Orchestrator node failure. It creates the number of VMs that your specify. I suggest 30. During the execution of the workflow power off one node of the cluster and you will be able to demonstrate that the execution continues on another node.

The workflow is available as a downloadable package:

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